Embark on an enchanting journey of self-discovery with the Hunky Junk Ripple Asslock in Tar. This exquisite anal toy is meticulously crafted to awaken your most intimate desires and introduce sensations that are both thrilling and profound. With its beautifully designed rippled humps, the Asslock offers an ingenious approach to stimulation, engaging both your taint and prostate in perfect harmony.
The luxurious plus+silicone™ TPR/silicone blend ensures a velvety caress against your skin, providing a comfortable fit while igniting your deepest passions. As you explore further, this remarkable companion promises to guide you toward unparalleled pleasure and a profound connection to your innermost desires. Each use of the Hunky Junk Ripple Asslock is an invitation to indulge in a world of ecstasy, curiosity, and intimacy.
– Material: Plus+silicone™ TPR/silicone blend
– Length: 8 inches
– Width: 0.75 to 1.75 inches
– Depth: 1 to 1.75 inches
– Circumference: 3.25 to 4.75 inches
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